Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project
The Trout Creek watershed covers 692.4 square miles, with 117 miles of stream currently available to summer steelhead. The primary goal of this Project is to improve the habitat (in-stream, riparian, and upland), providing a more resilient landscape to the effects of climate change, while increasing the carrying capacity for native salmonids in Trout Creek and its tributaries. The species of focus are the ESA listed Middle Columbia River DPS Summer Steelhead and their counterpart, the interior redband trout.
The SWCD has successfully implemented many large-scale projects in the past 24 years, restoring function to more than 13.4 miles of stream channel & floodplain habitat, removal of 24 seasonal irrigation barriers, and elimination of 3 passage barriers, opening an additional 8 miles of habitat to migrating adult steelhead.