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PSP Strategic Plan Advisory Council Meeting 2: Develop Goals to be addressed in the Strategic Plan

Meeting 2: Develop Goals to be addressed in the Strategic Plan

Remote and In-Person

November 15th, 1pm-2pm*

**Rescheduled to November 22nd, 10am-12pm**

Madras Municipal Airport Conference Room

*Note: This meeting is scheduled as a subsection of the regular JSWCD Board of Directors Meeting which starts at 12pm. We transition to the PSP related discussions at 1pm so attendees can join at 1pm without needing to attend the entire board meeting. Board meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend both the combined board meeting and the PSP meeting in its entirety. 

To date, the Middle Deschutes Pesticide Stewardship Partnership has focused on collecting data on water quality, land use, and watershed hydrology, and sharing that information regularly with the community. The development of the Middle Deschutes Pesticide Stewardship Partnership Strategic Plan (a.k.a. the Strategic Plan) is a multistep process planned to complete across multiple meetings between October 2022 through June 2023. The Strategic Plan will go into effect July 2023. 

During Meeting 2: we will review relevant data, community values, and resources to set goals sought to be acheived through our Strategic Plan. 

Local businesses, landowners, technical staff, or general stakeholders are invited to support the effort.

Please note that this effort is focused on public education and community support, and is specficially NOT a regulatory effort. 

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